32 Compactness & Expansion II
Compactness and Expansion IISequence by Stephanie QuirkIllustration: Svenja KarstensThis series exploring how we work with opposing forces was originally recorded…
31 Compactness & Expansion I
Compactness & Expansion Part 1 Sequence written by Stephanie Quirk.Illustration: Svenja KarstensThis series exploring how we work with opposing forces…
30 Move from the known into the unknown
Adho Mukha VirasanaMalasana Squat- holding shinbones… to..Uttanasana..to..Malasana Squat- holding shinbones… to..UttanasanaPadagulpasana – holding the anklesPrasarita PadottanasanaPrasarita Padottanasana – holding the…
27 Sequence to relieve cervical pain
A sequence from the book “Yoga The Path to Holistic Health” written by B.K.S.Iyengar. A sequence that helps with pain…
A SUGGESTED YOGA PROGRAMMECompiled by Iyengar Yoga (UK) Therapy Committee.“Wherever space and stillness is created, prana flows.”BKS IYENGARCovid-19 is a…
18 The Tree of Yoga
BKS Iyengar‘s representation of the eight limbs of Yoga as described in his book “Tree of Yoga” 1 The roots…
17 Paryankasana with brick
Paryankasana with a vertical block under the thoracic spine and my hands holding a belt.….”The practice of backbends is uplifting…