Week course 2 – Sixth day of the week
Sirsasana and cycle (184 to 218)
Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 271)
Paschimottanasana (160) for 5 minutes
Yoganidrasana (391) one minute on each way changing the legs
Dwipada Sirsasana (393) half a minute each way
Marichyasana III (303)
Ardha Matsyendrasana I, II & III (311, 330 and 332)
Malasana I & II (321 and 322)
Pasasana (328)
Paripoorna Matsyendrasana (336 and 339)
Dwipada Viparita Dandasana (516)
Mandalasana (525 to 535)
Ekapada Viparita Dandasana I & II (521 and 523)
Kapotasana (512)
and 6 of Viparita Chakrasana (488 to 499)
Savasana (592).
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