Course Three 109th to 125th week

Sirsasana and cycle (184 to 218)
Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 271 except 267)
Supta Padangusthasana ( 285 to 287)
Paschimottanasana (160)
Kurmasana and Supta Kurmasana (363- 364 and 368)
Yoganidrasana (391)
Ekapada Sirsasana (371)
Bhairavasana (375)
Skandasana (372)
Chakorasana (379 and 380)
Pincha Mayurasana (357)
Sayanasana (358)
Mayurasana (354)
Hamsasana (356)
Bhujapidasana (348)
Bakasana (406)
Adhomukha Vrksasana (359)
Vasisthasana (398)
Visvamitrasana (403)
Urdhva Dhanurasana (486) for 8 times, stretching the legs and arms out straight after each time (487) to relieve stiffness in the back;
Dwipada Viparita Dandasana (516) from Salamba Sirsasana (184) and again swing back to Salamba Sirsasana I (184)
Viparita Chakrasana (488 to 499) by doing it 15 times daily at a stretch. It is a difficult asana and it needs perseverance to perfect it. If you cannot do so in this period, do not lose heart but continue with it for several more weeks.
Kapotasana (507)
Ardha Matsyendrasana I and II (311-12 and 330-1)
Pasasana (328 and 329)
Uttanasana (48)
Savasana (592)
Nadi Sodhana Pranayama (Section 205) for 10 minutes
and meditation for 5 minutes in Siddhasana (84) or Virasana (89) or Padmasana (104) or Baddha Konasana (102).
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