This illustration is inspired by Julio Dieguez Papi.B.K.S. Iyengar`s sequence to release strain in buttock and hip joint + sequence…
Asanas after a journey
Illustration inspired by Julio Dieguez Papi.Restorative Yoga from Guruji BKS Iyengar.A practice following a sequence from the book “Yoga for…
Shoulder work and general body condition
This illustration and yogasequence is inspired by Julio Dieguez Papi.He writes the following about his practice:“These Asanas having been taken…
Asanas for strength
Strength in the muscles is developed by the regular practice ot these asanas.Asanas work not only on the major muscles,…
Preventing Exhaustion
In addition to skeleto-muscular problems, sportsperson are also prone to exhaustion and fatigue.The sides of our chest are storehouses of…
Overcoming Stiffness in the upper back
The entire back is prone to pain in sportspeople.Neck and lower back pain are the most common in one-sided sports…
Strengthening arms and shoulders
Arm and shoulder strength is nessessary fo many sports.Sportsperson have to learn to use not only the deltoids, but also…
7 Sequence Abdomen
Supta Baddha KonasanaSvastikasanaVirasanaParvatasana in VirasanaParighasanaTrikonasanaUtthita Hasta Padangusthasana with chair, first hands at the hips, then arms to Urdhva HastasanaParsva Hasta…
28 Sequence for anxiety
A sequence from the book “Yoga The Path to Holistic Health” written by B.K.S.Iyengar. TadasanaUrdhva HastasanaUttanasana- head supportedPrasarita PadottanasanaAdho Mukha…
15 Increase awareness in the back body
Increase awareness in the back body with standing asanas, forward extensions, inversions and backbends.Sequence inspired by Marla Apt.AMVAMSUttanasanaAMSUttanasana concaveUttanasanaTadasanaUrdhva HastasanaVirabhadrasana…